TI-89 Link Protocol Guide - Setting/Getting Clock

Clock Management

Texas Instruments have incorporated clock management into their new AMS software, starting at the 2.08 release. This clock can only work on HW2 models (for some hardware reasons...).

The clock management is like sending/receiving a variable named "Clock".

Getting Clock

Indeed, the request is like receiving the 'Clock' variable with Ty=18. This request works only with AMS2.08 mini calculators.

The protocol for silently receiving the clock is shown below:
Step Direction Packet
REQ with expected header (varname is 'Clock')
ACK (see note below)
VAR (specifing the size without the extra four bytes) with actual header and no name
DATA with an extra four bytes at the beginning of the packet

Example (PC receiving Clock from TI):
PC: 08 A2 0C 00 00 00 00 00 18 05 43 6c 6f 63 6b 00 09 02 Request the Clock variable
TI: 88 56 00 00 Acknowledgement of request
  88 06 0D 00 0C 00 00 00 18 00 24 00 Variable Header: no name
PC: 08 56 00 00 Acknowledgement of variable header
  08 09 00 00 Clear to send variable
TI: 88 56 00 00 Acknowledgement of CTS
  88 15 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 D2 08 01 0E 02 00 02 18 FF
0B 02
Variable data: 12 bytes (1st Aug 2002, 14:02, clock is ON, 24h format, DD/MM/YY format)
PC: 08 56 00 00 Acknowledgement of variable data
TI: 88 92 00 00 End Of Transmission
PC: 08 56 00 00 Acknowledgement of EOT

The variable data has the following format (pure binary, no BCD):
Offset Length Description
0 4 bytes Always 00h
4 2 bytes Always 00h
2 bytes Year 
2 bytes
Month and Day (MM:DD)
3 bytes
Hour, Minutes and Seconds (hh:mm:ss) encoded as an 24h-format
1 byte
Date Display Formatting (1: MM/DD/YY, 2: DD/MM/YY, 3: MM.DD.YY, 4: DD.MM.YY, 5: YY.MM.DD, 6: MM-DD-YY, 7: DD-MM-YY, 8: YY-MM-DD)
1 byte
Time Display Formatting (12: AM/PM, 24: 24 hours)

Setting Clock

Indeed, setting clock is like sending the 'Clock' variable with Ty=18.
This request works only with AMS2.08 mini calculators.

The protocol for silently sending the clock is shown below:

Step Direction Packet
RTS (specifing the size with the extra four bytes)
CTS or SKIP/EXIT (see note below)
EOT - if there are several variables to transmit, steps 7 and 8 can be skipped until the last variable.

Example (PC sending a free FLASH application to TI):
PC: 08 C9 0C 00 10 00 00 00 18 05 C l o c k 19 02 Send the "Clock" pseudo-variable
TI: 89 56 00 00 Acknowledgement of request
  89 09 00 00 Clear to send variable
PC: 09 56 00 00 Acknowledgement of CTS
  09 15 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 D2 08 01 0E 02 00 02 18 FF
0B 02
Variable data
TI: 89 56 00 00 Acknowledgement of data
PC: 09 92 00 00 End Of Transmission
TI: 89 56 00 00 Acknowledgement of EOT


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